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The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Oraqix, a new non-injectable anesthetic for periodontal applications. The anesthetic is delivered to the treatment site without the use of a needle and anesthetizes the site within 30 seconds for a period of approximately 20 minutes.

Oraqix is a needle-free subgingival (below the gumline) anesthetic for use in adults requiring localized anesthesia in periodontal pockets during scaling and/or root planing procedures.

Oraqix is an oil at room temperature so can be easily applied into periodontal pockets requiring treatment. Once Oraqix is used it solidifies at body temperature into an elastic gel, enabling it to remain in place while the anesthetics take effect.

Oraqix is applied on the gingival margin around the selected tooth using the blunt-tipped applicator. Scaling and root planing procedure may begin 30 seconds after the application of Oraqix to the periodontal pocket. The anesthetic effect has a duration of approximately 20 minutes. If the anesthesia starts to wear off, Oraqix may be reapplied if needed.

Oraqix gel should not be applied using standard dental anesthetic syringes. It must only be used with the Oraqix Dispenser. Do not inject Oraqix gel.

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